Does Dairy Have a Place in the American Diet?

I’ll preface this post with this:  I eat dairy.  Not a lot, but I definitely eat it.  I’ll also say that I could write a book on this topic, and this post doesn’t encompass nearly everything that is to be said about the amount of dairy in the American diet. If you’re like me, you … Continue reading

Growing a Green Thumb

It’s so funny to me that the very skill that kept humans alive and healthy (well, somewhat) all of these years is somewhat a foreign concept to many of us now:  Gardening.  More specifically, fruit and vegetable gardening.  We’ve become so reliant on having food everywhere we can imagine, anyway we want it that this … Continue reading

Change Comes to Dinner

…or so we can hope.  Tonight I had the great pleasure of attending a book signing with Katherine Gustafson, author of Change Comes to Dinner.  Katherine talked about her ex-career as a blog writer for as she ironically expressed her great dissatisfaction about what little change she was actually writing about.  Writing 2-3 articles per … Continue reading

What’s In Your Food?

As someone who get’s an immediate knot in her stomach from watching the negativity presented in the news, please note that I have not written the piece in an effort to scare you from purchasing and consuming that you find oh so tasty, but in an effort to educate you and answer the question, what’s … Continue reading